Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend of Bliss

It is amazing how much the weather can have an effect on my mood. This last week it was above 80 degrees every day and I can not tell you how much I enjoyed it. I have recently been realizing that I don't have that much time left in Sevilla. That is scary. It was just January 18th. I will be doing alot of traveling in the next month (Lagos, Germany, Prague, and Austria) and this was my last "real" weekend here in Sevilla. I will be here one weekend in May but it is during "Feria de Abril" which is a huge festival here and apparently everyone from around Europe flocks to Sevilla and so it will be overrun by tourists. (Note: I am no longer a tourist...I live here.) So all that to say, this was my last real weekend here, and it was one of my favorites yet. 
It started on Wednesday night (yes, my weekends start on Wednesdays because that is my last day of class for the week) with a heart to heart with Mackenzie by the Puente de Triana. This is one of the most famous bridges in Sevilla, and at night, it really is magical. 

(Confession. This picture is from Google.)

Mackenzie and I have been processing alot of what we have learned since being here, how we are feeling about going back, how we can make the most of our last 4 weeks etc. It has been so encouraging having her here with me to experience every step of this crazy study abroad process together. I have been so blessed with her, and many other like minded friends who love the Lord and want to walk with Him during our time in Spain. 
Thursday morning I met up with the "breakfast club" for our weekly time in the Word and together, one of my favorite days of the week. Afterwards, we spent the day shopping (Betsy, Mackenzie, and I may or may not have all bought matching high waisted black shorts from H&M) and sitting by the Rio. That night Betsy, Mackenzie, Lindsay, Liz, and I all went for Tapas at Los Coloniales and split yummy almond chicken, crackers with roquefort cheese and jam, stuffed eggplant, and a bottle of the Vino Rosada. We all went for gelato after tapas and sat by the Rio. I am seriously overwhelmed by what a blessing these girls have been to me during my time here. 
On Friday I went to a Barbacoa (barbecue) with ISA, which is one of the most random things I have done so far. We went to the middle of nowhere in the country side and had a huge grill with hamburgers, chicken skewers, and chorizo hot dogs. Perfect and hilarious example of when Spanish people try and be American. But it was so relaxing and fun to get out of the city and be around grass and trees. Tom, Emily, and I all had a playground photoshoot. Really we were just trying to kill time until lunch, but it felt so great to play outside. That night I went with Emily and Gabe and got gelato (yes, more gelato) at the BEST heladeria in Sevilla. Frescura in Alameda. If you are ever in Sevilla, go. 

Saturday we took a bus about an hour away and went to Matalascañas for a beach day. The weather could not have been more perfect. 78 with a breeze. It was so relaxing to lay out, sip tinto de verano, listen to good music, and talk with Emily and Betsy. That night Betsy and I went to the world fair market that is happening right now by the Puente de Triana. It is this market where each booth is a different country with it's own kinds of food and drink. So last night we went to Mexico for a Corona with lime. The performers for the night were teaching everyone how to line dance to the song "Achey Breaky Heart" in Spanish. Hilarious. They also played cotton eye joe and Betsy and I felt our southern roots coming out. 
Today we went to our church in Sevilla Este which has also become a favorite weekly tradition. It was Betsy's last week, so we took pictures with our favorite waiter at our favorite cafe. Mackenzie was in Madrid this whole weekend, but now she is home....yes home.....and we are all blogging and emailing at another one of our favorite cafe's, drinking ice tea with lemon, and looking out at the river. 

Sevilla, you were great to me this weekend. I don't want to leave you


  1. I'm glad I was a part of your weekend of bliss, and I'm sorry that part of it included a view up my shorts (which you decided to post for the whole world to see...)

  2. hahahaha no te preocupes least i didn't post the engagement pictures
