Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have officially completed by first week of classes at the University of Sevilla. Why so soon, you may ask?  Because I only have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. Granted, I have class for 8 hours straight on those days. But I am still pretty sure it could possibly have the best schedule of all time. Not only do I have this ballin schedule, but my partner in crime, Mackenzie Lechlitner, has the exact same one. How will I ever go back to classes Monday-Friday? Mackenzie and I met on Summer Project in Santa Cruz, California in the summer of 2009. (Saaaaantaaaa Cruzzzzzz) We have been "planning" to study abroad together ever since. Our plans have been in process, and it is laughable how different our experience has looked compared to what we thought it would be like: 

1. We are in Sevilla, not Salamanca; and thank goodness...there is no way we could survive the cold. 
2. We are NOT studying through Globalscope (a program that combines studying abroad and a mission trip. Long story. We were two of the four girls TOTAL enrolled in the program....would have made for a lonely semester) 
3. We thought we would live really far form each other and we live on the same street here in Sevilla. This might not seem like a big deal, but let me break it down for you. There are 6 major areas in the core of Sevilla, some closer than others. We both live in Triana, which is a great area, even though we are somewhat in the hood. Living in Triana would have been something to freak out about on its own. The fact that we literally live on the same street....good ole' San Vicente de crazy. God totally provided for us with that. 
4. Living with a host family is a bit more than we bargained for at times. Other times it is so worth it. We are both coming back with great stories to say the least. 
5. Spanish people are VERY good dressers. Maybe everyone knows that and we were just out of the loop, but I feel like a scrub 85% of the time compared to the way they dress. 
6. It is socially acceptable to let your dog poop in the middle of the sidewalk and keep going without picking it up. 
7. This is going to sound a tad ignorant...but you would think that people here would speak at least a little bit of English. False. Not only do most people not speak a word of English, but they don't understand you when you try to explain words in English to them. Example: I tried asking my host brother's girlfriend in spanish if she reads Harry Potter. She just couldn't for the life of her figure out what I was saying. I even said the words "Harry Potter" with a spanish accent...rolling my r's and what not. Nothing. After I explained the book to her she goes, "Ohhhhhh....Harry si!" saying the words Harry Potter the exact same way I had been saying it. What did I do wrong? I will never know. 
8. The weather is beautiful and perfect for going on runs by the river. I expected to be bundled up until mid March. 
9. Our very best friend in the whole word, Heather McGill, is going to come visit us for 2 weeks and we are going to travel Europe together. I never in a million years thought I would get the opportunity to do something like that with people like Mackenzie and Heather. 
10. It is in the works to possibly have a mother-daughter weekend with Barb and Mindy in Barcelona over St. Patricks day weekend. (Still praying for this one to work out). 

Just a few thoughts about how no matter how much you plan for something, God can always intervene and change everything in one minute. Mackenzie and I's decision to come to Sevilla instead of Salamanca literally happened overnight. I remember thinking about how much time I had wasted worrying about the program in Salamanca working out, and how that was all over nothing. I know there have been so many things in my life that I have just been sick about with worry that all change in the blink of an eye. 

Meet Mackenzie. Confession....these aren't actually from Spain. Taken in November of 2009 in anticipation for our grand adventures abroad. Clearly...flamenco pictures and "S" picture for Spain. Duh.

I finally feel like I have a routine. I like routines. Today I went to the river with Mackenzie (I promise I have other friends too) and we both sat in the sun, listened to good music, spent time with the Lord, talked, laughed, and took pictures. Ok so we only took like 2 pictures, but still. That is how I imagined my time in Spain. Just sitting outside or in cafes with good friends and talking and reading and spending time together. I will definitely get my fair share of that during the 5 days without school I have every week. It is so cool to see how God has provided and been so faithful since I have been here. So many times, Mackenzie and I have just stopped what we were doing and thanked Him for all the ways that we have been able to hear Him say, "I am here. I have a plan for you. I am not going to leave you hanging. It is going to be hard at times, harder than you would like. But trust me. I know what I am doing. I will take care of you. Oh and by the way, I am going to bless you beyond your wildest dreams while I am at it." Being here has just assured me all the more, that life with Christ is always better. 

"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." 1 Peter 1:6-8

"And I will put this third into the fire,
   and refine them as one refines silver,
   and test them as gold is tested.
  They will call upon my name,
   and I will answer them.
 I will say, 'They are my people';
   and they will say, 'The LORD is my God.'"
Zechariah 13:9

1 comment:

  1. So great to hear about what you are learning and how God is taking care of you each step of the way!! LOVE YOU
