Monday, February 21, 2011

No pasa nada...mira!

This one goes out to mah gurlz....Kenzer Bell and Little B. Saturday night was probably one of my favorite nights in Sevilla so far. Mackenzie, Betsy, Denise and I spent some time at my new favorite cafe, "The Glassy Lounge", journaling, chatting, facebooking, spending time in the word, and sipping cafes con leche desnata (coffee with skim milk). We decided to venture out to Sevilla Este because the church we have been going to was supposed to put on free salsa dancing lessons. How could we resist? But after the 15 minute walk and 20 minute bus ride turns out the lessons for the night had been cancelled. We ended up going to the "reunión de los jovenes" which was a night service for the young people of the church. One of my favorite things about Spanish is that I can worship in a totally different language and God still understands. We sang several hillsong classics...I just love Spanish so much more in a setting like that. The message was encouraging (ANIMO ANIMO ANIMO) and overall, I really enjoyed it. Then the adventure begins. We leave the church and walk outside to a constant mist of we have our paraguas (umbrellas)? Claro que no. Did we (and when I say we, I mean "I") end up sprinting through the rain while pulling up our ( pants so they wouldn't fall down to catch the bus? Claro que sî. You're welcome chicas!! 
At this point it was around 10pm and we had yet to eat dinner. So we decided to try out "Mama Mia" on Calle Betis...a quaint sit down Italian restaurant. Again, we had another 20 minute walk in the now more constant, more intense rain. At this point we just submitted and didn't even try to run. By now it was just Mackenzie (Kenzer Bell/BG#2) and Betsy (Little B) and myself (BG#1). We ordered a bottle of the house rosado wine, one margherita pizza and one vegetarian pizza, and stole a whole lot of breadsticks. I think what made the experience so great all around was that we were eating good food, drinking good wine, having good conversation, making a scene by laughing so hard, and just continuing to grow deeper in our friendship.  

It is cool to see that God has continually found ways of weaving in things we love about Spain with things we love about home to bless us with rich and fun times together. Confession: we literally stole breadsticks off of other tables on our way out and put them in our purses. TOO FAR. We were greeted by yet more rain on the way home, but at this point, we really had nothing to lose. We split ways with Little B as she scurried back to El Centro and Mackenzie and I made our way back to our humble abode in Triana, so thankful for our night together.

1 comment:

  1. rach wish i was there! so so fun! give besty a hug for me!
