Thursday, February 17, 2011

a little piece of home.

God bless America. Seriously. Tonight, I had dinner and a movie with three wonderful people. It was just like home. We saw "Más Allá de la Vida" (Hereafter) with Matt Damon. It was an interesting experience to see a movie in a foreign country. For one thing, it cost 6 euros (roughly 8-9 dollars) which is far more than I am used to paying in College Station. We did get shushed a few surprise there. The movie had subtitles in spanish which was actually distracting because I kept trying to read them. We absolutely lost it at one one of the first scenes, the characters are talking about a girl named "June". They said the name "June" over and over again (in english) in this scene...sometimes just saying the word "June" and nothing else. But without fail, the spanish subtitles read "Abril" (April) EVERY TIME. Dying laughing...this actually wasn't even when we got shushed. We got shushed when I asked Mackenzie for a piece of gum.....whatever. No pasa nada. Another interesting quirk was the fact that about one third of the movie is set in France and is in french....with spanish subtitles. It took me a good minute for it to click in my brain what was going on. But overall, a good movie experience; I think we all shed a few tears. 
After the movie, we went to dominoes pizza for some good ole "American" cuisine. It was the best....let me repeat....the best pizza I have had in my life. It took us awhile to figure out what to order/which combination would give us the best bang for our buck, and we went with two mediums to split between four people. A dining experience to remember. 
I do absolutely love it here, but sometimes you just want to not speak spanish, eat american food, and watch a movie in english. So tonight was perfect. It could have ended with some churros...but now I am sitting at Mackenzie's house eating an orange...which by the way, I usually eat about 4 a day minimum. Just another eventful night on good ole San Vicente de Paul.....represent. 

1 comment:

  1. funny and interesting, definitely not cool, big guh.
