Saturday, May 7, 2011

Our Adventures in Turkey...I mean PRAGUE

Well, my traveling days in Europe are officially over! Heather leaving seemed to mark the end of my time studying abroad. All that I have left is final exams and then I am outta here. But before I get too mushy, I will tell you about Prague. Which for those of you who have never been, looks like it is straight out of a fairy tale. Heather, Mackenzie, and I arrived on May 1st and started off our time with a good night's sleep in preparation for our big day....SKYDIVING!! That was an experience to say the least. In our skydiving group there were 3 girls and 3 (asian) as you can imagine we all got boyfriends on the way. But really, I absolutely LOVED it. There literally are no words to describe it. We jumped from 14,000 feet and had a free fall of about a minute and then drifted down with the parachute open for about 10 minutes.
Moments before we got on the plane

Authentic reaction post-jump

Don't really remember this picture....I was in a skydiving haze


We did it!! (Our best attempt to reenact the jump)

 Thoughts that were going through my head as I jumped: "It is so cold! My goggles are fogging up! I am falling...I am really falling! It is SO cold! I can't feel my face! How am I STILL falling? Has he opened the chute yet?? I don't think I have ever been this cold...." I have to say, I think bungee jumping was scarier. There is something about standing on the edge of a bridge with nothing attached to you but a rope and having to Pocahontas leap out all on your own will. With tandem skydiving, the instructor does all the work. I literally just arched my back, lifted my feet up, he jumped out, and I was just along for the ride. I would definitely do it again though, it was such a rush and such a memory. 

Besides that, we did all the Prague must do's and see's: 

Prague Castle

Old Town Square just in time for the Easter Markets! 

That's right....filled with nutella. 

Hand painted Easter eggs

Love Locks Gate
John Lennon Wall

We met up with Betsy and Lindsay and did a hike to Petrin Hill

The Eiffel Tower's "little brother" built in the same year

Street Vendors on St. Charles Bridge

St. Charles Bridge

Prague was such a magical little town and I really enjoyed my time there. When I say "little", I really mean it is tiny....We were there four days and five nights and I feel like you could have definitely done everything in two days tops. (Including going to Bohemian Bagel 3 different times...oh how I miss American food) But we of course enjoyed every minute we had together. It is so rare to have friends like Heather and Mackenzie. I appreciate both of them so much and love being able to laugh to the point of tears, share our hearts, explore new parts of the world together, and understand what it means to work through things and love one another genuinely. How differently my life would look without these two in it. 

Now, we enter the week of waiting. I leave this Friday at 8pm on a night bus for Madrid and then my flight leaves from there early Saturday morning. I know this is going to be a crazy time of final exams (ew), packing, getting last minute gifts for people, going to restaurants that I have been wanting to try all semester,  and saying goodbye to people that I can't believe I met just four months ago. Hopefully I will be able to have some good time to process the fact that I am leaving Spain amidst the whirlwind of tying up every loose end. I can't believe that the last four months are finally coming to an end. (sad and reflective blog post to come) 

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