Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If it's not too much, I'd like to see a concentration camp

Well we did it!! Mother/Daughter weekend in Barcelona and Sevilla was a major success. Mackenzie and I's moms arrived in Barcelona on the 15th and left Sevilla the 22nd. It was so much fun being with them and exploring a new city together. I also loved being able to show my mom my world in Sevilla. We took literally over 2,000 imagine how hard that was for me to pick which ones to put on my blog. I chose the ones that highlight our favorites parts of the trip. It makes me all happy inside just looking at these because the last few days were so great. 

We all arrived outside our (adorable) apartment at the same time. It was such a surprise to just turn a corner and see our moms standing there with all their bags. We then began our adventures in Barcelona. As you will see from the pictures, Mackenzie and I had lots of laughs watching our moms. For example.....

They chased pigeons and tried to touch them

They got "blessed" by strange fairy street performers

We visited another outdoor market that was absolutely insane. 

Then we proceeded to the Gothic Quarter, my personal favorite. 

Barbara's Birthday Bash in Barcelona

Mock always Thinking Theta


The Waterfront. Another favorite. 

At Mom's Birthday dinner with our great waitress! We got so many things for free because we were some of the only ones in the restaurant. (And because I asked at one point how much the rolls cost and I think they felt bad for us)

Our cute apartment! Who found it?? Babs

This was our more intense tour day. We went to an AWESOME breakfast (thanks Lizard) and then went to the Sagrada Familia, Parque Guell, and Casa Batllo. da best. Miss you. xoxo. 

Sagrada Familia 

Parque Guell 

We bought my dad their CD

On the roof of Casa Batllo 

We decided to take half the day and ride the train to Sitges, a small beach town 40 minutes away. We got back in time to do a small hike to Montjuic where we tried to go to "Epcot", but we walked around the Olympic stadium and saw the fountain show instead. 

Not staged. Never in my life have I asked so many people for directions in Spanish. A common theme of our time in Barcelona. 

Mindy Lechlitner reporting live. 

When we got back to Barcelona we went up to Montjuic around sunset. Mock lookin good. 

We turned the corner and the light show had started early! This was such a fun surprise because it was on our list of things we wanted to see, but we didn't think we would be able to. I think we had the best view. 

We woke up that morning in Barcelona at 4am to catch our 7am flight to Sevilla. This was possibly one of the longest days of my life. And it didn't help that I thought I was going blind for part of it. We went to our favorite cafe near our church in Sevilla Este, went to the world food market by the rio, went on a run, and then walked around some of our favorite places in the city. The night ended at our favorite restaurant, Mama Mia's, where we of course ordered way too many pizzas. 

Not planned. We love to match! 

Here comes the series of AWKWARD jumping pictures. Our moms made us do it. Could we be any more touristy? 

HA! The most awk one by far. 

Mackenzie and I had class from 9-5pm (we don't want to talk about it) and so we met up with our moms after that for our rio photoshoot. Then we had quite a memorable dinner....stalking tables waiting for people to leave at Los Coloniales. A few snickers bars later, and we decided to go to a different restaurant. Then we met some of our friends at La Carboneria, a Flamenco place that has free shows every night at 11pm. It meant so much to me that my friends got to meet my mom. I loved that night. 

How many bags you got, lady?


We took them to Kiko's for cafe and tostada and walked around the Plaza de España and rented paddle boats on the River and then we had a quick (not our favorite) lunch and had to walk them to the bus station. The weather could not have been more perfect. 

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Rachel Florence Culwell and Mackenzie Elizabeth Lechlitner the 28th of September 2011

We could not have asked for a better time with two of our favorite people in the world. I am so blessed to have a mom like I do and I so appreciate her coming to see me in beautiful Sevilla. I was a little homesick when they left (nothing that a good run won't fix....right mock?) but everything about the weekend was such a blessing from the Lord and we all made so many special memories!  

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! Such a great time to be with you.. My favorite picture is your engagement one!! I hope you make it to the concentration camp!!! Lots of love!!
